Monday, December 3, 2007

Kentucky Fried Kari

For those that have never seen the Small World Project, it is a way for me to highlight some of the amazing people I'm lucky enough to know and hopefully have some of the readers and people to meet one another. Post any comments about the person if you know them or feel free to ask them questions if you don't! Onward!

This was my first thanksgiving away from my family. The annual tradition is normally to get home on Wednesday from school and head to El Balazo and basically see every single person you've ever known. This is always both overwhelming and really awesome. You know how you have those people in your life that you could not speak to for years, and the minute you see one another, you get this deep excitement. They don't say, “Why haven't you called?” or some other sarcastic remark about being bad about keeping in touch. It's like nothing has changed. It makes your day. Well after this Thanksgiving in Chicago, I was driving home through the fall leaves and bumping a long lost country CD and started thinking about such a person. She's always been like a younger sibling to me and of all the people I know back home, she is one of the people that I have come to admire and be proud of the most. I wish everyone could meet one another but I shall do my best. My friends, I present the latest addition to the Small World Project, Kari!

The Hunter:
Kari and I grew up basically across the street from one another. Many a late night I would walk over and babble to Kari and her sister about my girl problems. I would come up with these dumb theories that they would just laugh hysterically at. I would pace around and try to work out the theories while they enjoyed the show. My favorite was the one about “the hunter.” You know when you are focused on hunting for a relationship you never seem to find one? But when you focus on letting yourself be attractive prey, people notice. Haha. Anyway, they laughed at me for a while and still bring it up sometimes. It meant a lot to me that they would listen to my nonsense and never judge me.

Walking Tall and Proud:
Growing up is a tough thing to do these days. Being a few years younger than me, I got to see Kari grow up into the beautiful person she is today. I also got to see her deal with the difficult things life throws at us and to be honest, I don't think I have ever heard her complain. Let at least complain the way you and I do. She's never been bitter about anything. She might complain for a second but always turns the complaint into a laugh and then shakes it off. I really really admire that about her. I wish I could be more like that sometimes. Even when our friends were being more dramatic than the chickidies on the Hills, Kari never let herself act like them. Badass!

The Honor:
Do people ever ask you what your greatest accomplishment is or what your biggest honor was in the past? In high school, Kari asked me to speak at an event and honestly, that was the greatest honor anyone has ever given to me in my life. When people ask me that question, that's what I still tell them.


Kari is one of the few people that will still a giant KFC bucket with lots of gravy, biscuits and mashed potatoes. DAMN THAT SOUNDS GOOD! Extra tasty crispy? or Original Recipe? I actually think that she only eats hot dogs, hamburgers and KFC. Maybe not the healthiest diet but hella fun for sure!

The Real World:
Our hometown sees lots of young folks aching to leave home only to see most of them return.I could name less than 10 that are not back in the area. There is tons of opportunity in the Bay and I don't blame any of them. When I was thinking about moving to Chicago, I thought about the few people that took the chance to leave home. Kari was one of them when she worked in DC for Senator Clinton. In a way, it was easier for me since my sister was in New York but for Kari, all of her family is still in the Bay (and most of her friends I think). But she took the risk and I think it changed her life. I keep telling her that she should not conform and push herself as much as possible. She's got some talent, let me tell you.

Her Affect on Me (and others):

Over the years, I have come to question myself a lot (about careers and life in general). Kari is always one of those people that reminds me of what I can actually do. Just her being around. She doesn't even really need to say anything to me. I don't think it's any coincidence that her friends hold her close and people tend to be drawn to her. She has this positive influence on all the people around her and the glowing smile to boot. She has a goodness about her that you just don't see in people that much anymore. At one point in college, I hadn't talked to her in years and she called me to ask for advice about which college to go to. I was seriously touched that she thought of me. She just always reminds me that I should push myself to do ridiculous things.

Over the years, I have been bummed about my lack of communication with Kari but fortunately for us both we can run into each other anywhere and it's like things haven't changed one bit. Here's to you Kari! You deserve to be a princess like every princess you love in those Disney Movies. Kentucky Fried Chicken and Biscuits for EVERYONE! Pour some gravy out girl!

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